Embark on a mystical journey with the Vikram and Betal series, where King Vikramaditya faces thrilling challenges posed by the cunning spirit Betal. Each tale is a blend of suspense, wisdom, and moral dilemmas, captivating readers with its timeless allure. Discover stories that have intrigued and inspired generations, filled with wit and wisdom!
The King Vikramaditya agreed to Betal's condition. Betal said further, "Vikramaditya, I've heard a lot about your wisdom and bravery. I expect you to resolve the hidden riddle in my story. If at the end of the story you knowingly avoid the answers to my questions just to remain quiet, your head will be split into pieces."
"I'll try to solve the puzzle to the best of my ability," promised the king.
"I would like to believe you," said Betal and began narrating his tale.
In all the stories of Vikram and Betal available to readers on this website, they will have ample opportunity to test their wits and intelligence by solving the riddles posed to Vikramaditya by the ghost Betal, and also have the chance to see if they can match their wisdom, power of reasoning, and judgment with King Vikramaditya.