Foolish Pride from

Foolish Pride

A certain idol-maker had to deliver one of his idols to a customer in a distant town. He gave a last, thorough polish to the idol, loaded it on his donkey’s back, and set off.

The beautifully made idol gleamed in the sunlight, and several people on the road stopped to admire its superb workmanship. Many passers-by bowed low in respect before the idol.

Now, all donkeys are a little stupid. But this donkey was more stupid than most other donkeys. He was an incredibly idiotic beast. He thought that the ohs and ahs of admiration were for him. He thought that the people were bowing low to do him honour. He quite forgot that he was just a donkey with a load on his back : a beast of burden. Never for a moment did he remember that he was carrying an idol.

The idol-maker gave a last, thorough polish to the idol, loaded it on his donkey's back, and set off. Many passers-by bowed low in respect before the idol.

So this foolish animal, elated by what he felt was awe and adoration for him, stood stock still in the middle of the road, brayed loudly, and refused to go any further. His master soon realised what was passing in his donkey’s silly head, and he beat the wretched animal soundly, pushing it along.

“If you had any kind of sense at all,” the idol-maker cried, “you would have realised that no man could possibly bow to an ass. Your idiocy has only cost you a beating.”

Moral of the Story:- You will suffer if you foolishly misunderstand the true meaning of the situation around you.


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