The Wolf in Sheep's clothing from Aesop's Fables

The Wolf in Sheep’s clothing

A wolf thought he had a good idea. He dressed himself in the skin of a sheep, and in this disguise was able to go among the flock unobserved by the shepherd.

He had a marvellous time killing and eating as many sheep as he fancied. He thought to himself that he was one of the lucky few with such an amazing life.

The Wolf disguised himself in sheep's clothing and had a great time devouring sheep every day.

But one day, the shepherd found him out and hanged him from the nearest tree. Some other shepherds, who were passing by, stopped and asked in wonder. “Why have you hung a sheep ?”

“That’s no sheep but a wolf dressed in a sheep’s skin,” said the first shepherd.

When the other shepherds realised the fact of the matter, they agreed that no punishment was too great for the wolf.

Moral of the story:- Beware of falsehood; the truth will come out.


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