Dog bites from

Dog bites

There was once a nasty, horrid dog. He would creep up sly and quiet behind someone, and then give a good, sharp, bite. It was not as if he was a watchdog whose business it was to bark and bite and protect. Not a bit of it. He had a good master who fed him well, so it was not hunger that made him ill-tempered. He was just a vicious animal who loved to hurt for hurtings’ sake and then watch the hurt person jump and scream.

His master was very ashamed of his dog. But he was a kind-hearted person and did not want to kill his pet. He puzzled over his dog’s bad habit and wondered what to do. Then he thought that if people knew the dog was near, they would move away and all would be well. So he tied a bell round the dog’s neck, and the bell tinkled every time the dog moved, and people were warned.

The Master tied a bell round the dog's neck, and the bell tinkled every time the dog moved, and people were warned. Now the dog took to strutting around and showing off in the market place. He held his head high and shook the bell proudly.

Now the dog took to strutting around and showing off in the market place. He held his head high and shook the bell proudly.

Another old dog watched him for some time and then said scornfully: “You act as if the bell around your neck was something to be proud of. But, you witless creature, that bell, far from being a prize, is a warning of your vicious nature. Don’t you realise its tinkling helps everyone to give you a wide berth ? That bell is a shame to you.”

Moral of the Story:- Some people are so lost to good feeling, that they boast even of a mark of shame.


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