A lion had been out hunting all night and was very, very tired. So he lay down under a large, shady tree and was soon fast asleep. He snored.

A little mouse, not realising what he was doing, ran all over the lion’s body and woke him up. The lion was furious. He put out a huge paw and caught the mouse, and was just going to kill him, when he heard the mouse’s squeaky little voice saying : “Please don’t kill me, Lion. You are such a mighty animal, and I am just a small, silly, mouse. It would be below your dignity to kill me. I am so sorry I disturbed you. Please let me go free.”

The lion, who was a generous, warm-hearted creature, let the mouse go, and thought no more of the matter. But the mouse, full of gratitude resolved to do something some day, to help the lion.
It so happened that not long afterwards, the lion was caught in a trap spread by some hunters. He struggled furiously, but he was firmly caught. He howled and roared hideously. Fortunately, the little mouse heard him and came to the place at once.

“Don’t be afraid, Lion,” said the little mouse. “Be quiet and keep still. I’Il soon have you free.”
Quickly, the mouse set to work with his sharp little teeth. He gnawed fast and clean through the knots and tangles of the net that held the lion. Soon the last binding rope was bitten through, and the lion was free.

“Even a little mouse can sometimes be of use to a great lion,” said the mouse. “I am happy to have been able to save your life. It was fortunate for you that you did not kill me that day.”
“Very fortunate”, said the lion. “Thank you very much, little mouse.”
Moral of the story:- Even the humblest of us can do a good turn to a great one.