The beasts were all assembled together, each showing the others what he could do best. The lion roared his loudest. The elephant trumpeted and flapped his ears. The various birds whistled and trilled and showed off their lovely feathers. Each animal displayed his finer points.
The monkey, however, had been around among men, and had learnt their ways. When it was his turn to show what he could do, he danced. All the animals watched and were fascinated at his marvellous skill. When at last he stopped, the others clapped and clapped, and their applause was heard right to the outer edge of the forest.
Then the camel got up. He wished to be applauded like the monkey had been, and he thought he would dance too. But after the first few minutes, the animals were quite disgusted with his performance. They booed and they hissed and they jeered, till the camel, ashamed, slunk away out of their sight.
Moral of the Story:- Never try to imitate others.
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